Carpinteria Pipeline System Abandonment

Beacon West Energy Group, LLC and Pacific Petroleum California, Inc. recently completed final abandonment work on the Carpinteria Pipeline System (previously known as Venoco Oil Pipeline #0470) from the Carpinteria Processing Facility to La Conchita. The 10-inch diameter pipeline has not been in operation since 2017 when the produced oil was flushed from the pipeline. The final phase of pipeline abandonment was performed for the City of Carpinteria Public Works Department at the request of the California State Fire Marshall using funds provided by the State of California. Upon securing property owner access agreements, the remaining water in the pipeline was pumped into vacuum trucks and transported to a State approved disposal facility. The pipeline was pigged to remove any residual fluids and filled with dry, inert nitrogen gas, pursuant to California State Fire Marshall regulations. The City’s consultant oversaw work activities to verify a safe and environmentally compliant abandonment that meets regulatory standards.


Platform Inspection & Maintenance Program – November 2024