Carpinteria Pipeline System Abandonment
Beacon West recently completed final abandonment work on the Carpinteria Pipeline System from the Carpinteria Processing Facility to La Conchita.
Platform Inspection & Maintenance Program – November 2024
The Beacon West team recently completed a major inspection and maintenance program of two offshore platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel.
Milestone Achieved: Platform Holly “Hardening”
Beacon West is proud to share that Platform Holly has reached a major milestone – the “hardening” (or cold stack) phase.
Santa Clara Unit Asset Management
Beacon West operates and maintains Platforms Gail and Grace, the Casitas Pier, the Carpinteria onshore plant, and associated pipelines as the assets are prepared for decommissioning.
South Ellwood Field Operations Management
Beacon West was selected by the California State Lands Commission to operate and maintain Platform Holly, the Ellwood Onshore Facility, and associated infrastructure.
Carpinteria Offshore Field Maintenance & Monitoring
Beacon West monitors and maintains ConocoPhillip Platforms Hogan and Houchin and the associated infrastructure.
PRC 421 Pier & Caisson Decommissioning
Beacon West managed the removal of two 1930s vintage piers and caissons from the surf zone offshore Goleta.
Platform Grace Decommissioning Preparation
Beacon West Energy Group is immensely proud of its role in providing engineering support during the preparation of decommissioning Platform Grace.
ConocoPhillips Decommissioning Study
Beacon West conducted a fast-paced facility evaluation and strategic plan for the decommissioning of the Carpinteria Offshore field wells, platforms, pipelines, and onshore facilities.
Solar Powered Lighting & Surveillance System
Installation of 1.77 kW solar powered battery system providing lights, internet communications, and platform security systems.
Platform Holly Module Installations
Beacon West’s detailed engineering, project management, hazards analysis, contingency planning and construction management resulted in a safe, successful installation.
Offshore Crane Replacements
Beacon West conducted an engineering review and load capacity analysis, and managed the removal of two Unit 500 cranes from each platform for refurbishment.
Well Plugging & Abandonment Planning
In preparation for a 70-well offshore P&A campaign, Beacon West performed a comprehensive review of available well records and developed a program for monitoring annulus pressures while preparing procedures for well plugging and abandonment.
Well Plugging & Abandonment Execution
Beacon West’s well engineers and Well Site Managers perform all aspects of abandonment execution for various clients, both on and offshore.
Idle Well Management Program and CalGEM Compliance
Beacon West helps oil and gas operators stay compliant with regulatory changes through preparation of regulatory compliance plans, inspection and maintenance, and training programs.
Former Venoco Line 96 Abandonment Project
Beacon West is preparing for the permanent abandonment of the 9-mile oil pipeline, that crosses Highway 101 and runs along Calle Real from Goleta to the Gaviota coast.
Carpinteria Pipeline System De-Inventory and Abandonment Project
Beacon West operations and engineering personnel managed the flushing of a segment of the Carpinteria Pipeline System.
Platform Holly Clear Deck Project
The Beacon West engineering and operations team developed detailed agency-approved procedures and routinely perform maintenance pigging of the Platform Holly to shore pipelines.
Goleta Water District Electric Safe Work Practices and Facility Reviews
Beacon West performed an engineering review of the Goleta Water District’s Electric Safe Work Practices and Arc Flash Safe Practices to review compliance with the most recent electrical codes and to help ensure safe electrical practices for the District’s personnel.
Legacy Well Re-Abandonment Permitting & Mitigation Monitoring
Beacon West provides CEQA, Permitting, Compliance, and Safety support for legacy well re-abandonments offshore Summerland, CA.