Goleta Water District Electric Safe Work Practices and Facility Reviews

The Goleta Water District (GWD) commissioned Beacon West to perform an engineering review of the District’s Electric Safe Work Practices and Arc Flash Safe Practices to review compliance with the most recent electrical codes and to help ensure safe electrical practices for the District’s personnel.

Beacon West was also asked to survey 27 GWD facilities for compliance with the State and National electrical codes and standards. Our CA-certified engineers reviewed the electrical worker safety program and standard operating procedures for each site based on compliance with NFPA 70E, including review of staff safety equipment and personal protective equipment, tests of emergency systems, and review of visual code violations based on compliance with National and California Electrical Codes. Detailed recommendations and suggestions for furthering electrical worker safety were provided to the GWD.


Platform Holly Clear Deck Project


Legacy Well Re-Abandonment Permitting & Mitigation Monitoring